Savannah Fincham
Team Member Spotlight
ExperCARE prides itself on its friendly and personable staff. Even with our wonderful staff, sometimes one particular team member stands out above the rest. Our leadership team wants to shine a spotlight on one of these outstanding team members.
Savannah Fincham
Reception – PCT – MA
Savannah has been with ExperCare since May 2016. She is currently in Nursing School and is working toward becoming a nurse practitioner. Savannah is an excellent embodiment of the value that ExperCare stands for Integrity, Teamwork, Compassion, Enthusiasm, Loyalty.
We sat down and interviewed Savannah to get to know her a little more:
What are you passionate about?
“Quality time with my friends and family”
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
“Reading,” Savannah says she is currently reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. “Anyone could enjoy this book. It helps you focus on what to be thankful for.” Savannah said that she was taught to find three ways to fix an issue before complaining about it.
What is your favorite treat?
“Rice Crispy Treats”
What is your favorite memory from ExperCare?
“I can’t think of one particular memory. I just don’t have bad days here. No matter who I work with, I know it’s going to be a good day.”
What are three things still on your bucket list?
“I don’t really have a bucket list. I know I want to be a Mom one day. I’m just so thankful that I have the chance to go to Nursing School. My mind just doesn’t think that way to want a bucket list.”
What strange phobia do you have?
“Spiders! I’m not even playing, I don’t like them.”
Savannah, we are so proud to have you apart of the ExperCare team! You bring such positive energy to our team. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.
You can find out more about Savannah and the rest of our staff on our Facebook page or by signing up for our email newsletter.